Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

McCall was ALice in Wonderland!

McKyna was our cute little butterfly!

Nana and Papa came to see out little Monkey's
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Krew was Bateman and I was his side kick Superwomen!

Here is Macky during their championship football game. They took 3rd in the League!

This is Maclane at his soccer game. He was chillin on the sidelines while he waited to go back in

Krew has now decided that he can sneak out of his bed after we are all in bed. At 1:30 in the morning I heard little foots steps on our tile floor and went out to find Krew in the flour SOOOOO FUN!!

Many of you know that Mccall was chosen to go to a Satellite school for gifted children this year. She left all her friends(being a 5th gradeer that was very brave) She said, her education was more important. I don't think she realize how much she would miss her friends and the office ladies, Janitor Pete, the lunch room ladies and the recess life guards. There were only 2 other children in the whole school that she knew. This last week McCall got 1st place in her school essay contest. This is a picture of McCall singing in a little group at her school choir performance. We are so thrilled for her and know this has been an amazing learning year but hard socially. LOVE YOU BLONDIE!!